Our hearts and prayers go out to the courageous people of Ukraine as we watch the brazen attack by Russia unfold. It’s difficult to watch. Along with the general horror that war brings and the impact of lives lost, there is a general worry about economic consequences and effects of this invasion on the rest […]
Category Archives: Financial Planning
Monday was a wild day in the stock market, and both rate hikes and inflation are hot topics in the news. “Should I be worried?” is a question on the mind of many investors this week. While market volatility and media headlines may tempt investors to make irrational and costly moves in their portfolio, I’d […]
Taxes drive a lot of our personal finance and many everyday decisions. Strategies to minimize taxes, both now and in retirement, drive many investing decisions as well. One potential way to minimize taxes in retirement is by investing in a Roth IRA. With a Roth IRA, the account is funded with after-tax dollars by making […]
You’ve probably heard of a Roth IRA — it’s a retirement account that you can contribute to with after-tax dollars. Though there is no up-front tax break, dividends, interest, and capital gains are tax-free as your account grows. When you make a qualifying withdrawal after you retire (or at age 59 ½), you don’t have […]
Many people often wonder if it is worth it to pay a financial advisor to manage their wealth. I hear this question often, and it’s an excellent question with an answer that depends on your personal situation and many factors. At One Life Financial Group, we work primarily with small business owners, physicians, dentists, and […]
Texas just endured a historic winter storm, and my family and I just happened to be there when it occurred. In the middle of all this chaos and disruption, I’m thinking about how we are handling this emergency and how it relates to financial planning. It got me thinking about the many similarities between the […]
One of the worst times to worry about market headlines is during the holiday season. Below are three ideas that can help you worry less and focus on what matters most during the holiday season. 1. Capture gratitude. Science suggests that capturing gratitude regularly can help you worry less and lead to a happier and healthier […]
Have you ever tried to have a phone conversation while someone (spouse, child, or stranger) was trying to get your attention or making a lot of noise? When it comes to managing your wealth, news outlets can be just like those distracting people who pull your attention away from what you are trying to do. […]
Trying to beat the market is kind of like trying to individually guess how many jellybeans are in a jar. If you’ve participated in that type of a guessing game, you likely found that two things were true. The guesses were all over the board, and the average of all the guesses was shockingly accurate. […]
Are you worried that a recession might be around the corner? Do the ups and downs of the market stress you out? Do you currently hold an S&P 500 index fund as part of your long-term investment portfolio? If you answered “yes” to any of the above questions, the link below might be of interest […]